Guidance about health Insurance : Online health Insurance Companies

Health insurance is coverage for individuals protecting themselves against medical costs. Usually health insurances are heavily charged and are an important political issue in United States. United States does not have socialized health coverage. Theoretically health insurance works in a same way as other insurance coverages function. Cost of health insurance is highly getting priced. The fast increasing health insurance rates are disrupting the market all over the world especially in United States. Surfing to our web site you are getting comprehensive information on health insurance online.

Health insurance is an insurance type where the insurer pays the medical costs of the person insured. Here the insurer may be a private organization, non-profit organization and governmental agencies that may offer health plans but actually are not insuring anything and are usually self funded. The concept of Health insurance first developed in 1694 by Hugh the Elder Chamberlen from the Peter Chamberlen family. The early form of health insurance was actually disability insurance; covering only the cost of emergency care for those injuries that could actually progress towards any form of disability.

Usually health insurance policies are annually or monthly renewable contract between an individual and the insurance company. Usually health insurance companies have a network of providers. In the present scenario there are some health insurance companies that offer Health Incentive accounts and reward the users for healthy living and making healthy choices which include stop smoking, losing weight and such other things. Most of the private insurance companies face two inherent challenges which include adverse selection and post mortal hazard. Health insurance also covers dental insurance which is coverage for individuals protecting them against dental costs. In United States dental insurance is usually part of an employer's benefits package, along with health insurance.